This Turbo S fits perfectly into the winter scene.

This Turbo S fits perfectly into the winter scene.

Winter brings a wonderful mood to the streets. If a sports car is standing right in the middle of it, preferably in a striking color, then it's unbeatable.

Few can still experience a long, deep winter. In most places, there is at most a bit of snow once a year, and only for a short time. After that, it melts away just as quickly as it came. That is, of course, quite a shame. All the more beautiful when we can enjoy such wintry images. This ultraviolet Turbo S fits perfectly into this snowy scene. Its striking color stands out so extremely against the white.
These breathtaking pictures reached us from Częstochowa, south of Warsaw in Poland.

This Turbo S fits perfectly into the winter scene.Click on the photo for more photo's of this spot!

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