Stylish colour on a GranCabrio Sport

  • Kevin
  • 2012-05-29 13:33
  • 1692
  • 0

Stylish colour on a GranCabrio Sport

The Maserati GranCabrio is a very stylish car from itself. However, some people just want something more brutal. For those people, the Grancabrio Sport is introduced on the market, which produces an even more awesome sound. What a surprise that this is possible. Maserati’s are one of the best sounding cars on the market today. You can make your Grancabrio Sport very stylish by choosing a beautiful colour. This time we're not talking about a baby blue Maserati, but a bordeaux red copy. It has to be said, this colour looks stunning on the car.

In combination with the dark brown roof, the bordeaux red is one of the best color combinations you can think of. Expectable on a car like this, the performance is superb. With 450 bhp on the back wheels you go from 0 to 60 in just 5.2 seconds. This will go together with the extremely great sound from the 4,7 liter V8 engine, which isn’t to compare with what so ever. You won’t enjoy this sound very long, the car will accelerate all the way trough to a massive 177 mph. But still, people from miles around will hear you coming. This combination of a stylish colour combination and the amazing sound makes this one of the most desirable cars on the market today. We can’t get enough of this car!

Stylish colour on a GranCabrio Sport

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