Rest in Peace: Ferrari F40 in Monaco

  • Jasper
  • 2020-02-20 09:05
  • 519
  • 0

Rest in Peace: Ferrari F40 in Monaco

Whether this topic was written about a fiat multipla or a Ferrari F40, seeing your car burn in front of your eyes is always painful. Unfortunately this article is about the F40.

We are used to seeing all kinds of amazing spots from Monaco, yesterday however we received some footage which will leave every car guy with a nasty feeling in the stomach. The F40 which has been regularly uploaded on the site was engulfed in flames beyond controlling. Despite the great efforts of the citizen who tried to fight the fire with a garden hose the rear side of the Ferrari was completely gone by the time the fire was extinguished, once oil and gas start burning there is no way to stop it without the interference of the fire marshals. This car has been spotted 20 times since 2017 and unfortunately there won't be a 21th spot for now. We are hoping that Ferrari can salvage the car.

Rest in Peace: Ferrari F40 in Monaco

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