Koenigsegg Regera now gets the full attention

  • Ruud
  • 2021-01-11 13:09
  • 232
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Koenigsegg Regera now gets the full attention

It was the McLaren Sabre got the spotlight in this super combo last week. This time it is the Koenigsegg Regera that takes center stage, literally.

The car is at the center of this beautiful combo of a McLaren Sabre, Pagani Huayra and this Regera. The Regera is Koenigsegg's masterpiece if you ask us. The car was stuffed with new techniques. Thus, the Direct Drive system was introduced. As a result, the car no longer hitches due to gears that have to be changed and the acceleration to 400 km / h is completed in twenty seconds! There are still flippers on the steering wheel, which are used to select different driving modes.

Another nice gadget is the system that Koenigsegg calls autoskin. The Regera is the first car to be fully robotised. All parts that can be opened and closed on the car can be opened and closed by means of a button

Koenigsegg Regera krijgt nu ook de aandachtKlik op de foto voor meer foto's van deze spot!

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