First Porsche Macan without camouflage is spotted

First Porsche Macan without camouflage is spotted

The Porsche Macan is only recently unveiled, but now it’s already driving around without any camouflage. At least, when you’re at the right place. In Sitges, Spain, one of the first models without camouflage was parked on the side of the road. With only some tape on the back of the car, the car isn’t completely ready but it’s good to see what this car looks like in real life.

What stands out is the front which is completely Porsche. You can recognized the Porsche Cayenne and that isn’t a bad thing. It’s a sporty and aggressive look and that’s just what you’re looking for in a sporty SUV. Further, the car looks a lot like the Cayenne, but the back looks definitely different. We do immediately see that this car needs to have its name on the back because else the back would look very empty. It would also come in handy for us because we will immediately know what version we’re dealing with. This time, we need to guess but when we look at the size of the brakes, this won’t be the fastest version of the Macan.

First Porsche Macan without camouflage is spotted

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